Sunday, September 23, 2007

Galerie Besson pots

Galerie Besson pots, originally uploaded by woodfirer.

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007, originally uploaded by woodfirer.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Aso per Glumso revisited

In 1964, after leaving Japan Fred Olsen found himself in Denmark. He had ridden his motorcycle across Asia and Europe headed back home to California. After a short stint at Royal Copenhagen, he set up a studio near the home of painter Clifford Wright and his wife, Danish writer Elsa Gress. Fred built a studio of slabs left from trees milled for lumber from a local operation. His clay was delivered from the Kahler factory where he did piece work in exchange. Forty years later we visited the old studio site to see it still standing, and being used to house goats. An old kiln brick and part of setting post were found on the ground. At the house next door, the former home of Clifford Wright and Elsa Gress, Fred was surprised to find an old jug he had made at the old studio sitting in the window. It had been broken in half and glued back together. The kiln was the first two chamber wood fired kiln built in Denmark. A picture of the kiln can be seen in The Kiln Book written by Fred Olsen. Aso per Glumso is only a short distance from Skaelskor where the Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007 took place.

Ruthanne Tudball spent several days at Guldagergaard explaining her methods of soda firing, making pots, and stacking for soda firing.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Only one more kiln firing

As the Nordic Woodfire Marathon nears it's end, the participants can feel the tiredness that comes from the almost continuous packing, stoking and unpacking of kilns.
Monday was a particularly exciting day, with firstly the opening of the soda kiln, followed by the unpacking of the Cross Draught kiln and, in the evening, yet another successful Skaelskor Express Boury Box kiln.
Now, at midnight on tuesday, the last Bourry Box kiln has just been lit, and it will be led by Ben Richardson from Tasmania.
It has been packed with tumble stacking in the front and under the side soke holes. Vents have been left above the side stoke holes and Ben aims to fire as cleanly as possible. The wood being used is mainly ash and oak, wih a little pine scrap.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Two kilns firing at Guldagergaard

Tuesday 12th June

Last night at 23.00 hours the Cross Draught kiln was lit, and a few seconds later the "Skaelskor Express" Bourry Box Train kiln followed.
Two teams of stokers have worked all through the night, and the kilns are both now well under way.
The Cross Draught will continue for three days, while the "Express" will probably reach temperature (1300 C plus) tonight around midnight.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007, originally uploaded by woodfirer.

Kate cleaning shelves

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007, originally uploaded by woodfirer.

Fine results of soda firing - mostly works of Sten Lykke Madsen. Jug by Elisa Halland Hansen
Unpacked 4th June

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007, originally uploaded by woodfirer.

Music supplied by Hanne, Elsebeth and Richard during the firing of the "Skælskør Express" kiln
5th June

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007 006

Conrad and Lea studying the kiln log

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007

Noah throwing

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007

Kenneth putting on handles

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007 001

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007, originally uploaded by woodfirer.

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007, originally uploaded by woodfirer.

Wednesday 6th June

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007, originally uploaded by woodfirer.

Guest of the day - tuesday 5th June
Poul Jensen from Oslo, spent an evening with us with his wife, Anne.

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007

Nordic Woodfire Marathon 2007, originally uploaded by woodfirer.

Today, Wednesday 6th June, we are packing the soda kiln and expect to light it late tonight.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Bowl - Priscilla Mouritzen

Bowl 3, originally uploaded by woodfirer.

Spots of red clay terra siggilata on white terra siggilata on a porcelain pinch bowl. Fired in the Bourry Box kiln

Bourry box kiln firing

Bourry box kiln firing, originally uploaded by woodfirer.

Soda kiln packed

Soda kiln, originally uploaded by woodfirer.



Guldagergaard International Ceramic Research Centre

Heilmansvej 31a

4230 Skælskør


E mail:

tel: +45 58 19 00 16

1st – 23rd June 2007


1 Arrival
Work period commences
Evening programs on participants own kilns and work
Morning presentations on glazes and slips for wood firing
8 Firing of Bourry Box kiln with reduction cooling.
10 -19 Packing and firing of kilns
Cross Draught firing led by Fred Olsen
Bourry Box train kiln led by Robert Sanderson
15 -17 Soda kiln led by Ruthanne Tudball
Presentation on different ways of introducing soda into the kiln
17 Open Day

Unpacking of kilns

22 Seminar on Wood firing. Analyses of results

23 Departure

Participants can chose to visit the parallel project in Hirtshals, Northern Jutland at the k,ilns of Gregory Miller. Participants from Hirtshals will visit Guldagergaard.

Presenters and kiln masters:

Fred Olsen USA

Ruthanne Tudball UK

Robert Sanderson (Ireland)

Ben Richardson (Australia)

Nina Hole (DK)

Sten Lykke Madsen (DK)

Aase Haugaard (DK)

Priscilla Mouritzen (DK)

Jane Reumert (DK)